
As a public agency, West Valley Water District's Board of Directors, Management and Staff are committed to transparency and accountability regarding the District's operations and business practices. The information below is intended to further our transparency. Feel free to contact us with any questions or requests.

District Information

Agendas & Minutes

Agendas & Minutes

Looking for agendas and minutes? Please click below.

Agendas & Meetings

Bill Payment

Bill Payment

We believe in clean, abundant water—and making your life easier. That’s why we offer many different ways to pay your water bill. Click below to see payment options and the latest rates.

Online Bill Pay

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The West Valley Water District Board of Directors consists of five members within the community who are elected at-large. Each Director serves a term of four years, with terms overlapping. The Board of Directors develops the policies that govern the District. The District General Manager is appointed by the Board of Directors to oversee the day-to-day operations of the District.

Board of Directors

Compensation and Policies Related to Board Activities

Compensation and Policies Related to Board Activities

Learn more about Compensation Policies Related to Board Activities.

Compensation and Policies Related to Board Activities.

Election/Appointment Procedure and Deadlines


Resolution No. 2018-26

District Staff

District Staff

Use the department directory below to connect with us.




Cross-Connection/Backflow Prevention

Human Resources and Risk Management

Water Conservation

Customer Service


Water Quality


Meter Service

Water Treatment





Interested in learning more about employment opportunities at West Valley Water District? Please click the link below to begin your career search.


Map of the District

Map of the District

Use our handy service area lookup tool to determine who is your water provider. You may also view a PDF version of our service area.

View District Service Map

Service Area Lookup

District Standards and Drawings

Please click the buttons below for copies of District Standards and Drawings.

District Standards

District Drawings


Pre-Qualified Contractors List

Pre-Qualified Contractors List

Click here to view our list of pre-qualified contractors.

Pre-Qualified Contractors


Public Officials Appointment – Form 806

Public Officials Appointment – Form 806

This form is used to report additional compensation that officials receive when appointing themselves to positions on committees, boards, or commissions of another public agency or to a committee or position of the agency of which the public official is a member. Click here to view Form 806.

Public Officials Appointment - Form 806

Public Records Request

Public Records Request

Want to make a Public Records Request? Download the form by clicking the button below.

Please return by mail, email, or in person to our District Office:

West Valley Water District
PO Box 920
Rialto, CA 92377
Attn: General Manager

Records Request

WVWD Public Records Act Policy

Reserve Policy

Reserve Policy

Want to view a copy of our Reserve Policy? Please click the link below.

Reserve Policy

Rosenberg's Rules of Order

Rosenberg’s Rules of Order

Click the link below to learn more about how we apply Rosenberg’s Rules of Order to our Board meetings.

Rosenberg's Rules of Order

Water Rates Revised June 03, 2024

Water Rates Revised June 03, 2024

Want to learn more about our rates and fees? Please click the link below to our rate sheet.

Rates Summary

Senate Bill 272: Catalog of Enterprise Systems

Approved on October 11, 2015, Senate Bill 272 adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016 with annual updates.

  • Enterprise System Definition:
    • A software application or computer system that collects, stores, exchanges and analyzes information that the agency uses that is both of the following:
      • A multi-departmental system or a system that contains information collected about the public.
      • A system that serves as an original source of data within an agency.

Catalog of Enterprise Systems

Service Rules and Regulations

Want to view the District’s water service regulations?

View Service Rules and Regulations

State Controller's Office


Special Districts Financial Transactions Report

Boards and Commissions

Authorizing Statute / Enabling Act


Senate Bill No.135

Special District Leadership Foundation


Districts Make The Difference

My WVWD News2021



My WVWD News 2022


My WVWD News 2023

January 2023

February 2023

MyWVWD News 2024

July 2024 - English 

July 2024 - Spanish 


District Reports

Water Quality Reports

Water Quality Reports

We’re vigilant when it comes to safeguarding our water supplies. Our water meets all Federal and State Regulations. We’re proud to report that our District always meets, and exceeds, these standards.

2023 Water Quality Report
Annual Operating & Capital Improvement Budget

Annual Operating & Capital Improvement Budget

Please click below to view current and past annual operating & capital improvement budget reports.














Annual Disclosure of Board Member or Employee Reimbursements


Reimbursements are Included within the Annual Cash Disbursement Report (FY 2018-2019)

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports

Please click the button below to view current and past CAFRs.


Popular Annual Financial Report

Popular Annual Financial Report

Please click the button below to view current PAFR.

2022 - 2023



2020 Upper Santa Ana River Watershed Integrated Regional Urban Water Management Plan

2020 Upper Santa Ana River Watershed Integrated Regional Urban Water Management Plan

The 2020 Upper Santa Ana River Watershed IRUWMP is the result of a collaborative planning effort involving several local agencies. It serves as an update to the IRWMP developed in 2015 and the 2015 Regional Urban Water Management Plan. It incorporates new information describing the Region, updated goals and objectives, re-evaluates strategies, develops a process for implementation of the plan and meets all of the requirements of the Urban Water Management Planning Act. Please click below to view a copy of the plan.

Integrated Regional Urban Water Management Plan

2020 Water Facilities Master Plan and 5-year Capital Improvement Program

2020 Water Facilities Master Plan and 5-year Capital Improvement Program

A Water Facilities Master Plan and 5-year Capital Improvement Program has been prepared to determine the future water demands and supply requirements for West Valley Water District. The plan identifies the water facilities needed to produce, deliver, store and transport this supply to our customers. Please click below to view a copy of our 2020 Water Facilities Master Plan and 5 Year Capital Improvement Program.

2020 Water Facilities Master Plan and 5 Year Capital Improvement Program

Lytle Creek Watershed Sanitary Survey

Lytle Creek Watershed Sanitary Survey

The Lytle Creek Watershed Sanitary Survey determines the degree of treatment required to assure the greatest degree practicable that water supplies are free of microbial and other contaminants of concern. This survey provides a description of the source waters’ watershed, identifies potential sources of contamination within the watershed, describes watershed management practices, and assesses the microbial contaminant load at the points where raw water is diverted into treatment plants. Please click below to view a copy of the report.

2023 Lytle Creek Watershed Sanitary Survey

2018 Lytle Creek Watershed Sanitary Survey

2013 Lytle Creek Watershed Sanitary Survey

2021 Hazard Mitigation Plan

2021 Hazard Mitigation Plan

Emergencies and disasters cause death or leave people injured or displaced; cause significant damage to our communities, businesses, public infrastructure, and our environment; and cost tremendous amounts in terms of response and recovery dollars and economic loss.

Hazard mitigation reduces or eliminates losses of life and property. After disasters, repairs and reconstruction are often completed in such a way as to simply restore to pre-disaster conditions. Such efforts expedite a return to normalcy; however, the replication of pre-disaster conditions results in a cycle of damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage. Hazard mitigation ensures that such cycles are broken and that post-disaster repairs and reconstruction result in a reduction
in hazard vulnerability.

While no one can prevent disasters from happening, their effects can be reduced or eliminated through a well-organized public education and awareness effort, preparedness, and mitigation.

Please click below to view a copy of the plan.

Hazard Mitigation Plan

Annual Financial Transaction Report


Annual State Controller's Office Financial Transaction Report



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